Working at the lodge makes me feel that I belong, that I have value in the community. For me, a new, modern facility with a homely atmosphere and cutting edge technology would help physicians, nurses and other staff serve patients even better. Dr. Gavin Van de Venter, family physician.
(Read full story)
Support a safe place to call home. DONATE TODAY.

Working at the lodge makes me feel that I belong, that I have value in the community. For me, a new, modern facility with a homely atmosphere and cutting edge technology would help physicians, nurses and other staff serve patients even better. Dr. Gavin Van de Venter, family physician.
(Read full story)
Support a safe place to call home. DONATE TODAY.
Working at the lodge makes me feel that I belong, that I have value in the community. For me, a new, modern facility with a homely atmosphere and cutting edge technology would help physicians, nurses and other staff serve patients even better. Dr. Gavin Van de Venter, family physician.
(Read full story)
Support a safe place to call home. DONATE TODAY.

As a community-based charity, we take a personal approach to donor recognition. We start with four basic rules:
All donations are gratefully received.
Donations of $25 or more receive an official tax receipt and thank you letter from our Board.
Donations of $1000 or more are listed on the Donor page of our website.
Donor anonymity will be respected if requested.
For individuals, families and businesses able to make a larger gift, we’ll discuss ways to recognize your leadership and generosity in our community, including a media release event, a donor profile on our website and recognition on our Donor Wall in the new lodge.
Donor FAQs.
Q: How can I make a donation?
A: Make a donation of any amount using our online donation form. Or make a donation with a cheque made payable to Northwest Community Lodge Association and mail to: c/o 515 3 St W, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1L1.
Q: Will I receive a tax receipt for my donation?
A: Yes, we will issue a charitable tax receipt for a donation of $25 or more.
Q: Is there a minimum donation amount?
A: Every gift is welcome—there’s no minimum, but we only issue tax receipts for donations of $25 or more. If you give through a monthly giving plan, we provide a charitable tax receipt for the total amount of the annual gift at the end of December.
Q: What are my giving options?
A: There are many ways to give! Make a one-time donation, set up a convenient, affordable monthly donation, make a gift in kind, a gift of securities, a bequest by will or host an event.
Q: What is the tax advantage for giving a gift of securities?
A: Gifts of publicly-traded securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.) are exempt from capital gains tax, making this one of the most tax effective ways to make a charitable donation.
Q: How do I make a donation in memory/tribute to someone?
A: Use our online donation form. You’ll find a section where you can tell us more about who you are remembering or honouring.
Q: I made a donation in memory/honour/thanks of someone. How will they know about it?
A: Your donation of $25 or more in memory, in honour or in thanks will be acknowledged with a tribute card sent to the individual(s) informing them of your gift.
9 ways you can help make the lodge a home.
There are many ways you can help make the new lodge a home. Choose the type of donation that fits your budget and your sense of community.
1. Make an online donation.
Every gift, large or small, is gratefully accepted. Use our online donation button to make a secure online gift. DONATE.
2. Sign up to make an affordable monthly donation.
Choose a monthly gift to make a big difference, but in a convenient, affordable way. Use the link below to set up a monthly gift that fits your budget. DONATE.
3. Donate in memory or in tribute to someone special.
Pay tribute to a loved one’s memory or to celebrate life’s special occasions—birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, weddings, retirements. DONATE.
4. Double your impact with a matching employer/employee donation.
Ask your employer if they have a Matching Gift Program. If so, you could double the impact of your donation
to the NCLA. Talk to your employer or have an NCLA board member talk to your employer.
5. Remember us in your will or with a bequest.
Leave a lasting legacy by making a bequest to the NCLA through your will, and help us ensure the future of dignity care in Meadow Lake. Let us know your intentions so we can recognize your gift.
6. Make a gift in kind.
We welcome gifts in kind, from land to furnishings to equipment. Let’s talk.
7. Donate stocks or securities.
There are tax advantages to donating securities, stocks, bonds and mutual funds to the NCLA—talk to your accountant or financial advisor about what works best for you and your family. Let us know your intentions so we can recognize your gift.
8. Host a fundraising event.
Put your organizational skills to good use, while bringing the community together for a fun event in support of Northwest Community Lodge Association. It’s a win-win for all. Got an idea? Crystal is your point person! Call (306) 236-8788 or
email murrayc@sasktel.net.
9. Ask about sponsorships and naming opportunities.
Sponsorship and naming opportunities recognize larger gifts, providing a tangible, lasting legacy.
Download our Wish List or call us to discuss your ideas.